The Westernized Goddess Machine has been so normalized that we are consuming content celebrating the egoic grandiosity of women and the Feminine on the daily - without batting an eyelash. 

In the same breath, we continue  to unconsciously — yet chronically— degrade, diminish, and straight-up shame the ESSENTIAL life-giving thrust of the co-creational masculine. 

So um, a bit of a memo to remind all the Goddesses that the organic contra-sexual corollary of ‘Goddess’ is the GOD. But due to the miasmic templates injected into the psyche of the Collective, men are either archetypallly villainized  or reduced to the fattened bumbling fool — either way, their sex being distorted and/or castrated. 

Can you even IMAGINE if all the men were running off to “God Circles” or all the Goddess-agenda messaging were created in the inverse — per the A/B messaging image here?  

(I have an inadvertent stash of dozens of these Goddess-inflated memes and superiority-signaling messaging treatments that I come across on the daily— often with hundreds of likes, shares,  and egoic snickering from women who haven’t yet freed themselves from their own cages of narcissistic misandry. ) 

Seeing and tuning into this ongoing toxicity makes me so wildly appreciate of men — and all those humans who hold the masculine energetic signature — for the depth and breadth of their patience, forgiveness,  and love as the Collective Feminine pain-body slowly awakens and recalibrates to a co-creational, inclusive, union-templated, devotional Remembrance.

And just so we are clear:

EVERY TIME we belittle the external masculine — or perpetuate the distorted narratives writ large in our culture  — we harm OURSELVES— regardless of our gender or anatomical reality. The energetic principle of “the Masculine” isn’t somewhere ‘out there’— foremost, it’s WITHIN us as both a HUMAN imprint and also as an intrinsic, SACRED aspect of the Soul. 

Here’s to *honoring* the Goddesses AND the Gods within EACH of us....and then, per organic law, realizing the Gods and Goddesses that walk amongst us.....this being the only path that leads to the creation of a world that works for EVERYONE.

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