Please understand that this is an Agenda ~ and as with all Agendas, it is already a multi-tentacled, nefarious MACHINE. The distorted and consumptive model of ‘conventional reality’ (driven by consumerism) is attempting to normalize the archetype of the Masculine ‘Bumbling Fool” (ex: Homer Simpson) and destroy the life-affirming, protective Warrior and Outlaw Masculine archetypes. 

1. FACT: Excess male belly fat is 100% associated with lowered testosterone, lowered sperm count, AND is precisely one of the most estrogenic (ie: female hormone) forms of fat pockets within the male physiology. In other words, male belly fat is at cause of hormonal feminization of the male human. (Testosterone is *reduced* with this particular form of fat deposit and estradiol is *increased*. )

A fat male belly is the cauldron of the most precise organic POTENT ANTI-MALE hormonal cocktail on the planet. 

2. "The Dad-Bod": The UK store that created these models was apparently doing so as a joke in "honor" of Father's Day. Upon initial glance of this image, I truly had to double-take as this initially appeared to me to be peculiarly masculine maternity mannequins — with the overtly distended belly and slightly puffy breasts. 

This is a classic example of the way our Culture is categorically Femininizing the life-affirming nature of MALENESS and FATHERING. 

FACT: Less than half of all American men (40.5% according to my research a few moments ago) are choosing to bear offspring  -- and instead of celebrating and truly HONORING the (potentially superior genetics of??) men who choose to Father offspring into our world, we subtly shame those who do FATHER (which I am in full awareness is distinct from simply passing along genetic material.)  

One way we do this is by creating cultural memes and images that are designed to dissolve the DIFFERENCE between the full expression of the embodied a male 'model' ('model' being the precise agent of mimetic influence) tangentially appearing to be pregnant in honor of Fathers' Day is as close to a black magic spell of dissonance and destruction of Male virility as I have seen. 

(I am also aware that the “Dad Bod" is an apparently humorous response to "Mom-Body" -- which is also an extremely degrading term directed toward Mothers *except* that voluptuousness and higher (than men) body fat percentage are clinically associated with increased female desirability and fertility. And YES I know that our diseased American culture is also obsessed with the lithe and thin female physique -- but there is still greater health and societal benefit for a voluptuous feminine form than for a male to carry a similar 'curviness'.)

3. FACT: Our collective food and healthcare system is radically broken, under which we ALL suffer until we source in greater individual and collective sovereignty and extract ourselves from its toxic seduction.  

We are in a particular moment of time when we need highly potent, NON-subjugated men in full approval of their Masculine nature — especiallllllly the Warrior + the Outlaw. 

This visual meme is sourced in an anti-life culture. 

Whether satire or not, it attempts to normalize an increasingly acceptable expression of maleness: softened men who are weak (of body *and* mind) and men who are willfully allowing a deep Feminization of their physiology. 

While I am not prone to fat-shaming, I will also share very transparently that I am more judgemental and concerned about the collapse of the Potent, Free, SOVEREIGN (which by definition = non- v a x x e d) MEN in our world. 

This means that I am absolutely harder on our male counterparts than women *in this particular regard* as Men ARE our primal leaders. 

By "primal leader', I mean specifically that when the metaphorical saber-toothed tiger comes barreling out of the darkened tundra towards the collective village (it has already begun....), it is RIGHTFUL that those more vulnerable than he (the women, children, and elderly) seek refuge BEHIND our men. His rightful position is on the FRONTLINE in his MULTI-FACETED STRENGTH (of mind, body and spirit), his SOVEREIGNTY... and his CAPACITY to rage against the very machine that is attempting to destroy him. 

We so deeply beg of you, not go gently into that dark night.