An Invitation to an Archetypal Pop-Up Experience

in Los Angeles

The collective seas are darkened with rage and grief.

This is not the time to dim, hide or disappear your flame.

Turn UP the moonlit voltage of your deepest, wildest Feminine expression.

For most of us as women, we live inside societal constructs of self-expression.

We have been programmed to stuff our too-much-ness into synthetic, panty-liner scented, aspartame-gilded cages.

We become reflexively obedient, living inside the corseted 'small s' transmission of selfhood.

And.....it is not this way for all women.

We all know what it feels like to be near women who give themselves permission to access the wildness + power that is our birthright. She walks into a room and we cannot help but track the scent of her criatura...her desire, her ALIVENESS.


Archetypal energy catalyzes an experience and expression of Feminine power and allure far beyond our acculturated, metabolized sense of egoic 'personal' self.

Archetypal energy causes an activation of SELF at its most potent, its most clear, and its most ALIVE.

This potential lives within our psychic DNA: a gossamer double-helix of IMPERSONAL FEMININE POWER alongside our own individual *unique* soul expression.

It is the standing in the ancient river that runs beneath our everyday awareness which activates a vibrational, *impersonal* and ENERGETIC level of consciousness.

I have experienced and cultivated this work through my dear friend and wizardly colleague, Rion Kati Kati].

Rion is arriving to Los Angeles this week and together, we are creating a GORGEOUS, highly-experiential workshop for women who desire access to heightened states of allure (allure is the Feminine equivalent of 'charisma'), magnetism, and communication (whether spoken or visually transmitted.) Rion's most potent and precise energetic wizardry is his capacity, cultivated over 2 decades, to identify a woman's archetypal blueprint / soul essence, and then, through a sequence of energetic transmissions, support her to open into this *impersonal* (Meta) Archetypal Energy.

Most celebrities (regardless of gender) have a higher embodiment of impersonalized ‘meta’ consciousness in their presence. Most ‘normal’ people live in a personalized, ego-centric presence where their soul essence is under-expressed. Rion creates the opportunity for women to align to their archetypal ESSENCE and Soul expression.

The results of the activation/s are palpable: there is a clear before and after state. Archetypal work is POWERFUL....I am trained in the lineage of Jungian psychotherapy, and my entire coaching/mentorship practice is focused on archetypal experience. I am intensely discerning about energy work... and.....having known and worked with Rion, I can personally share that my sense of personal 'power', clarity, allure (Feminine charisma) and influence have all notably expanded since receiving his transmissions into my energetic field.

Rion is only in the States for 2 weeks and only in Los Angeles for 4 days so we are dialing this in quickly!

I am so thrilled that he is beginning to offer his brilliant work to small, curated groups of women.

We have included many examples of embodied Feminine archetypal expressions in this link to help further support the understanding of this gorgeous work.

All additional details are also included in the link (in the Comments).

THE WORKSHOP WILL BE HELD IN EARLY NOVEMBER. Due to the intensity of this work, there are a maximum of 8 spaces available.

Please feel free to reach out to either of us if we may provide any additional details.

We are truly built for these times ~ and it is perhaps now time more so than ever before to smear our Feminine luminosity, wildness, and power all over this burning world.

The original post on facebook can be found here

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