"MOST MEN" (AND...more out of the closet I come)
A little bit ago, I read these words on the FB wall of a woman I hold in great regard:
Here is my response:
AND.....many, *many* men love women and womyn and the wild storm that is the Feminine beautifully and deeply and radically.
I understand that I am in the minority of the Feminine tempest right now as I dare to speak these words -- but it deeply concerns me that we are *creating* a narrative around "most men" that fuels both beliefs and diminished collective expectations around the masculine that fully *appear* to be "what is so". Sadly, I only need to point to the slop bucket of tragic evidence-of-harm-done-by-white-men that is spewing its vile truth on the daily.
THE PATH THAT HAS CHOSEN ME: The sacred, hard, and thrilling work I have been called to do in our world is with this archetype of man:
power-addicted, grandiose, tyrannical, and often brilliant. These are the men -- celebrated with money, title, sex, influence and by a radically distorted American "culture" -- who have perpetuated (and yes, quite often, perpetrated) un/conscious oppressive patriarchal structures against the Feminine.
These are the takers and the pillagers and the titans of privilege. Men with hands and hearts stained with infraction and archetypal Feminine pain: their houses clean, their bellies full, their petroleum tanks topped off, and their bank accounts fat. They are the fathers of amphibian daughters, one foot in girlhood innocence and the other in the witchcraft of woman-becoming, and they are the sons of old mothers.
AND YET: From the hinterlands of these encounters, here is what I see:
I witness the shifting tectonic plates from an ethos of control to an ethos of care, the reclamation of TRUE masculine nature that occurs via microdose and stunning quantum leap, the bloodied emergence of the archetypal King, men willing to turn to face the distorted thought formations that they themselves *have vampirically benefited from*.
I take a deep breath and I remind myself that these are actually the "good ones" -- although in the jaws of a giant beast of a malignant shadow. These are the men willing and consenting and re-committing TO DO WHAT IT FUCKING TAKES TO DO THE RIGHT THING.
How? By showing up in the moment by moment truth of choosing the possibility of courage and a WILLINGNESS TO BEAR THE PSYCHIC PAIN that lives inside of every moment of our aliveness and awakening to WHAT IS SO.
AND.....I am left trembling, sometimes for hours, after these encounters. They can be very big experiences for me. It takes everything I have learned and all that I am -- and artifacts and interventions and tools I don't dare speak here. Together, we are staggering along a sometimes harrowing knifes-edge, and I am not a soft place for these men to land.
"MOST MEN" have the cold steel grip of the Death Mother wrapped around their knotted thick throats. She is administering the slow death of an emanation of masculine that must die so that the activation of the ALL NEW can occur. Our burning world is readying itself to be re-imagined and rebuilt on the strong arching backs of "most men", their once-smooth hands blistered and ragged from the fires of the forge and their knowing eyes now stinging with hot salty sweat.