“Enchantment is the oldest form of medicine.”
~ Carl Jung
There is a type of women whose SOUL ESSENCE is like golden honey to the soul of men, and quite literally, to the soul of mankind. She is an eternal expression of a Feminine Consciousness that awakens and lights up aspects of a man that even the “Goddesses” cannot reach. Her beauty is palpable, electric, magical and alluring *outside of* the metrics of external beauty.
She is in eternal love and devotion to the Masculine and in return to her *sovereign receivership* of the meta-masculine, she receives the treasured cherishing of his archetypal devotion.
The Feminine capacity to enchant, magnetize, spellcast and cultivate influence *regardless* of her extrinsic beauty is called ALLURE. And of all of the archetypes, it is the Muse who knows how to drizzle the golden honey of allure into the Collective, magnetizing her heart’s desire, gifts, money, influence, and adoration to her *should she choose*.
Our need for Feminine enchantment is as deep and psychically necessary as our physical need for food and water. We have just forgotten the very real medicine of Magic. Feminine allure is of priceless value to the Masculine because it is a way of communicating to him (and to the world) that you LOVE being a Feminine woman.....and that being eternally penetrated and ravished by the Light of the Meta-Masculine is a sacred Remembrance, and one that brings you very *real* (like highly energetically orgasmically REAL) frequencies of ecstatic devotion.
Museship is a very ancient art form. It is non-sexual, but highly Eros-driven.
It is sourced deep within a specific expression of r/evolutionary Feminine consciousness —one who stands in overt, honorific, highly respectful
DEVOTION TO THE MASCULINE. (Ooooh....SUCH the taboo in these days of diminishing the DIVINE CO-CREATIVE LIFEFORCE that is the Masculine principle in the name of “the patriarchy” or by allowing distorted expressions of men/ primal Masculine leadership to become the template of how it is that we hold the energetic of “the Masculine” within our systems. Btw, and to be clear: this is the work of each of us as women to clear within our own systems.)
As a woman is initiated more deeply into Muse consciousness and the remembrance of her sacred devotion to the meta-Masculine, there is a potent energetic activation of her Feminine essence to EMANATE, MAGNETIZE, ENCHANT, and INFLUENCE. During these times of great awakening when it is eminently clear that ENERGY IS EVERYTHING, receiving Muse activations is totally a secret advantage. While some women will continue to “work hard”, Muses magnetize in ways that truly defy 3D ‘reality’.
Muses (both similar and different from the Lover-Priestess archetype) carry the codes of being able to HEAL THE MASCULINE through our BEINGNESS. And in return, we are cosmically penetrated and anointed with the Cosmic Light of God — which is reflected in all aspects of our life as “magic”.