FEMININE “POWER” : A little ditty ‘bout Love (and pants)

As we walked in the front door, hangry and tired, the morphic field we share together was becoming brittle, thorny, and taut. The vibrational tone of my voice entered my body, filling me with 1000 tiny papercuts emanating from the sharpness of my own tongue. The subtly condemning tones of exasperation and disrespect, harsh and jagged, created a discordant cacophony inside, where the usually quiet waters of my being dwell.

As the ugly frequencies of our words become heightened and I could feel my ego puffing up and wanting to make him wrong or at least, prove the syntax of my own "rightness", I took a deep breath and pardoned myself from the barbed-wire of our conversation.

Stair by stair, I stayed with myself, moving slowly and intentionally, despite my breath being short and my chest feeling so tight with the heat of my anger.

Into the bedroom.... the camouflage pants and sweater and panties and bra puddle onto the floor beneath me.

I selected a dress from the closet: pale blue, silk, delicate flowers on the strap. I slip this dress over my tightened body, feeling an immediate sensual relief as the silk shimmied across my flesh....my tense animal liberated from the suddenly unbearable stranglehold of waistband, bra strap, thong and forced segregation of each leg into a separate socket of pants. The velvet flesh of inner thighs touching ..the deep primal relief of flesh finding its own.

The petals of my sex, no longer constrained against stiff inseam, blooming into wider fullness. The front center channel of my body now opening....unobstructed..... the soft criatura of belly and ass and nape of my sex unfurling in the sheltering painterly sky of pale silk.

Next, I placed a single drop of Rose Mystica, an heirloom anointing oil that carries deep Feminine magic onto my heart center. Rose is a deeeeeply magical, holy essence, carrying ineffable healing frequencies for our human selves, particularly for the Feminine essenced Ones. Exquisite sacred heirloom oil of Rose is one of my potent plant medicines for descending me into my heart, especially merciful when my ego is blood-thirsty for "the win".

Slowly slowly came the gentle unwinding, the making of space when there had only been tightness and compression, the cooling exhales and welcomed hallowed descent into heart and pussy. I closed my eyes for just a moment, allowing my vessel to be opened by the ancient talismanic vibrations of silk and of rose, each carrying extremely potent, gentle, medicinal tonics and properties for women.

In my minds' eyes, I traced one single cycle of inhalation and exhalation all the way from my sex, my deepest root, through crown. I opened my eyes, letting myself be presenced by this space, *this* now moment, these sensations alive in my being....and then I turned, ready now to walk down the very same stairs I had only 3 moments before ascended in a growly state of brewing dissonance with Self and my Love.

This time as our our eyes met, there was opening, first in body and then in heart. There was presence and tenderness and approval of one another exactly as we were in these moments together. There was a returning to the place where we both belong, together. There was openess to receive and enter one another in the fullness of our truth.


I very literally changed my *physiology*.

I created the conditions that directly forced a state-change — from one of puffed-up ego, righteous and hostile to one that was opened, expanded, connected to a deeper wellspring of my own beingness.

I had very potently and very intentionally created a listening in him that allowed him TO RECEIVE ME.

And YES. It required that I interrupt the bio-chemical and energetic cascade that was surmounting me. It required that I diffuse the maleficent engorgement of Pain Body. It required that I use external, exogenous, ancient talismans to anchor me in my Feminine....it remains true for me that I need support from ‘tools’ that allow me to connect with my deeper desired state of emanation.

I know there are many practitioners that can more readily invite this descent into the heart center with breath or prayer.....and while I use each of these practices, I have found the external tools that allow me to root more "effectively" in returning to my Lumina Naturae....the incandescent tallow of the Feminine.

In *3* minutes and all the while moving slowly and sensually, I had totally transformed the state of my Being — and therefore as the Feminine polarity holder — the relational system.

THIS is the form of "Feminine leadership" I want to emanate into the world.

THIS is the expression of Feminine Devotion to SELF (and to sacred adornment, beauty and sensual delight) that I want women to understand is a deeply rooted aspect of your Beingness -- and your inherent POWER.

This aspect of our Feminine power (enchantment, magic, ancient sensual artistry) has been discounted, maligned, and diminished for generations, so we have all but lost these sensual arts, and have been sold a different story of our ‘empowerment’. We have learned to (by being taught and culturally rewarded to do so) compete with the Masculine rather than slinking into the fullness of our Feminine magnetism and effulgence and to re-member the MEDICINE of ENCHANTMENT, which has a far greater effect on "the Masculine" than attempting to compete with him. Competing with your man may let your ego get off, but it will DESTROY EROS. Whereas the aspect of Feminine power and leadership I stand for is architected to CREATE EROS.



This will really give those of you who already think I am summoning women back to the 1950's (or perhaps the Stone Ages....) an excellent stash of ammunition.....but I am rather strongly "anti-pants" for women. Truthfully -- and based on my own R+D via my own lived experience-- I have found that pants diminish and disturb the effulgent, voluptuous flow of energy in the Feminine energy body. The waistband sitch literally DIVIDES our heart from our sex. I for sure wear pants for working out / yoga and rock the occasional pair of jeans/camouflage pants when I am schlepping about town.

But 98.2% of the time, my vessel is very happily slipped into a dress, or as the man says, "rocking a frock".

This is not to signal to the world, "Oh, I am sooooo Feminine”. Not at all.

This is because I have connected to the beneficial and valuable *gnosis* that is both contained within and emanated by the flow of energy in the female physical (and etheric) bodies. I know very intimately the unspoken language of my inner thighs touching....both in gossamer anticipatory tremble or in the silent warning of clench.

The entire front central channel of my body is free, opened, and attuned to the world around me like a gentle, potent atttenae when I am wearing a dress, especially silk, because of its etheric protective properties. My womb feels closer to the earth, softly magnetic, and wildly grateful to not be hampered or misshapen behind hardware of buttons and metal zipper (which is straight up candy for 5G, please do understand.) The aspect of my primal Feminine soma that IS attaena is heightened, energetically incandescentt. And yes, of course it allows me to stay more deeply in my sex, my turn-on, and my pleasure, moment by moment all.day.long.

2. RULES/RITUALS: Because I am in a relationship where I am blessed to be able to architech hierarchy in terms of leadership (his) and conscious submission (mine), we have established rules together-ish.

One of the rules I <choose to> obey is when home, I wear only dresses sans panties. I want to be transparent and illuminate this aspect of my relationship because my above willingness to oh so gracefully and seemingly easefully maneuver out of the heated conversation to go upstairs is because *aspects of my chosen submission are anchored in rules*.

And what is fascinating and deeply, radically life-affirming about "rules" (which I fulllllly understand may be confronting or distasteful to your system) is that they become RITUALS. And rituals, my friends, have a HIGHLY stabilizing, nourishing quality on intimate relationship of all expression, throughout all time and place. This feels important (and a little scary) to share but it’s important to me that I transparently further lift into awareness that fact that I am compelled by drivers larger than my own egoic turf battle over "rightness" to obey rules (ie: practice rituals) that have an ORGANICALLY HARMONIZING and INTIMACY-AFFIRMATIVE EFFECT on polarity within relational systems. So before you go prattling off in a huff that I would bend so low or fawn so unconsciously as to have *rules* that I CHOOSE TO OBEY within my relationship, please note that the effect that they have is in deep service to ME, my partner, AND the alchemical 3rd principle:

the relationship itself.

I have a deeply embodied understanding of this at the most subtle levels of my psyche, my system and my sex....so I CHOOSE in my full sovereignty to honor that which is in most potentated service to my own pleasure, desire, and appetite.


This also feels important to speak to.

I co-create my relationship to have a hierarchal architecture. I choose to cultivate his benevolent dominance, and I do so through the sovereign offering of my submission to his leadership.

I am extremely expressed in this relationship.

I communicate my desires, my preferences and my yes/no very 'vibrantly'. AND....I do so in an extremely intentional honorific way.

I will share a link in the comments to a post I wrote a few months ago called King Making 101 that I think may serve this conversation. Not for a hot second do I stifle my full Feminine expression....aaaand....I choose to express myself in a very intentional and refined way that is in deep service to me receiving the fulfillment of my desire and/or request *and* is encoded in deep respect and veneration for the Masculine psyche of my partner.

We must each find our own way to that which makes our hearts open, glad. and free. We must each find our way to a love that feels nourishing, sourced in both tenderness and a primal erotic wellspring that IS an intrinsic part of who we are. I choose to create a relationship that is encoded with Eros so that ALL of who I am -- and ALL of who he is -- can dwell in our FULL aliveness, BEYOND the collective narrative/s that judges, condemns, or makes wrong that which it does not understand.

( Me....now....in my pale blue silk dress the color of A New Day

The original post on facebook can be found here

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